i'll be the mad hatter [open]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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i'll be the mad hatter [open]
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2018 4:06:52 GMT
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[attr="class","dilyrics3"]Your lips feel warm to the touch You can bring me back to life On the outside you're ablaze and alive But
[attr="class","dilyric3"]you're dead inside
[attr="class","dibody3"]nyx bloodworth, former child millionaire that was kicked to the streets due to bankruptcy, had managed to find herself in good hands when she was taken in by silas blackwell, the boss of the criminal organization. it took so long for the young girl to find her place in life that once she was able to really stop and think how lucky she was...she just kind of seemed dumbfounded by it all. silas didn't have to take her in but he did. she was lucky and nyx knew it wholeheartedly that she was.

taking a breath, the blunette slowly walked down the streets of the lower district. her eyes would scan the people around her that huddled in the cold. by her side was chaos, the absol silas had given her to keep her safe. it was obvious she was looking for somehthing...or someone, really. it had been a year or so since she had really seen her biological parents.

"it was after they had been gone a good week before i met mr. blackwell, you know?" she spoke lightly to the dark type beside her. "i had been cold and alone...and here he came into my line of sight. i don't know why i tried to pickpocket him. i don't know why he didn't just end me there. but he didn't and here i am. in a life where i can once again have anything i ever wanted."

the girl was definitely thankful for the rocket boss, but she often wondered what happened to her mother and father.


[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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